How to Enjoy a
Virtual Sound Bath
Great headphones make all the difference! Snag some of these recommended pairs— or listen on solid speakers. We don't recommend listening on your phone or computer speakers.
Covering your eyes for the experience is vital. When you don't have any light coming in, it's easier for your mind to turn off. Use an eye pillow helps you go deeper— snag a soft one if you can.
Create a comfortable place for yourself. We recommend just laying on your bed.
Turn off notifications.
You can listen on desktop— but the best experience is on mobile. Here's the link to our iPhone app(or)the Android version
Let friends and family know (if they are likely to interrupt you) that you'll be on the internal.
Tips on Creating
a Cozy Nest
Light a candle, or burn some incense— whatever lets your body know that it's time to go inwards.
Sometimes it can be nice to drink some relaxing tea before hand, or to stretch or do some yoga.
Having a pillow underneath your head is great. Having a pillow underneath your knees, too, is pro.
Be gentle on yourself afterwards. Drink water, and let yourself rest.
To Start Your Day
Listen to a short meditation or a hypnosis meditation to start your day on the right note.
Afternoon Decompression
Take a break from work to refresh your mind with a sound meditation.
Evening Wind Down
Listen to one of our journeys in the evening to relax, or right before you fall asleep.
All Night Long
Play one of our all-night sound baths to get a night of deep rest, and wake up refreshed.
Move Through Emotions
Create a safe space for yourself— tune into one of our sound baths when you feel overwhelmed by strong emotions.
Change Your Mindset
Use one of our hypnotherapy sessions to remove blocks to confidence, abundance and more.